Series QA Pressure Regulator & Control Valve
Brand: Generant Inc
- Maximum inlet pressure - psi: 400 (kPa: 2,760, bar: 27.6)
- Outlet pressure range - psi: 0 to 200 (kPa: 0 to 1,379, bar: 0 to 13.79)
- Port size: 1/4" NPT, 3/8" NPT, 1/2" NPT
- Material: Brass, Viton, 304 stainless steel, 631 stainless steel (17-7), Music wire, Fiber, 301 stainless steel (18-8), Zinc plate, Alloy, Aluminum, 303 stainless steel, Delrin, Alloy, Buna-N, 302 stainless steel, Nylon, KEL-F
Bonnet Material
- Brass
Diaphragm Material
- Buna-N
- Fiber
- Nylon
Enclosure, Body Material
- Brass
Materials of Construction
- 1/16" Diameter x 3/8" Long Stainless Steel Roll: 301 Stainless Steel (18-8)
- Knob: Aluminum
- Nyloc Insert: Delrin
- Sieve: 304 Stainless Steel
- Valve Stem Assembly, Spring Button, Screw Tip, Chamber, O-Ring Retainer, Dumbell, Diaphram Plate, Rivet, Diaphram Washer: Brass
- Valve Stem Assembly: Viton
- Valve: 631 Stainless Steel (17-7)
- Washer: 303 Stainless Steel
NPT Connection
- 1/2" NPT Female
- 1/4" NPT Female
- 3/8" NPT Female
Nut & Bolt Material
- Panel Nut: Brass
O-Ring Material
- Viton
Plug Material
- Brass
Pressure Range
- bar: 0 to 13.79
- kPa: 0 to 1,379
- psi: 0 to 200
Screw Material
- Adjusting Screw: Brass
- Alloy
- Diaphram Screw: KEL-F
- Zinc Plate
Spring Material
- 302 Stainless Steel
- Music Wire
- Valve: 631 Stainless Steel (17-7)
Supply Pressure - Maximum
- bar: 27.6
- kPa: 2,760
- psi: 400